Conversation with Gerd | ePub (english version)

Lilian Weinberg Osmo

In early 1939, to escape Nazi persecution, Gerd, a 15 years old German Jewish boy, was sent by his mother to the Netherlands in a Kindertransport.


There, he stayed in several different refugee homes, until mid 1943, when he was captured in Amsterdam, taken to Westerbork camp, and then transported and murdered in Sobibor.


This book presents the short life of Gerd Weinberg, who like many other Kindertransport children, did not survive the Holocaust.


Dados técnicos


Autora: Lilian Weinberg Osmo

Ilustrações: Vitor Flynn Paciornik, Lilian Weinberg Osmo, Ella Liebermann-Shiber, Joseph Richter

Formato:  ePub

Idioma: inglês

Edição:  1ª Edição

ISBN:  9788569430032

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